Eb Collective Agreement Psac


The term “eb collective agreement psac” refers to the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the federal government of Canada and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) for employees in the economics and social science services group (EB). This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for approximately 14,000 federal employees, including economists, statisticians, and social scientists.

The EB collective agreement is negotiated every few years between PSAC and the government. The most recent agreement was signed in 2018 and is set to expire in 2021. The agreement covers a wide range of issues, including pay and benefits, job security, hours of work, and working conditions.

One of the notable features of the EB collective agreement is the provision for a joint committee on pay equity. This committee is responsible for ensuring that employees in the EB group are paid equitably based on their job classification and experience. The committee reviews and analyzes job descriptions, salaries, and other relevant factors to ensure that pay equity is maintained.

Another key provision of the agreement is the requirement for a workplace wellness program. This program is designed to promote the physical and mental health of employees in the EB group. It includes initiatives such as health and wellness workshops, fitness programs, and mental health support services.

The EB collective agreement also includes provisions for telework and flexible work arrangements. This is particularly important in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in many employees working from home. The agreement allows employees to work from home or other locations with the approval of their supervisor, provided that their work can be performed remotely.

Overall, the EB collective agreement is an important document for employees in the economics and social science services group. It outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including pay and benefits, job security, and working conditions. The agreement also includes provisions for workplace wellness, pay equity, and flexible work arrangements. As the agreement comes up for renegotiation in 2021, employees in the EB group will be closely watching to see what changes are made.
